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Strong And Weak Acids

Acids, Bases, and Titrations

Strong and Weak Acids

Acids are substances that can donate protons (H+ ions), while bases are substances that can accept protons. The strength of an acid or base is determined by its ability to donate or accept protons. Strong acids donate protons easily, while weak acids donate protons less easily. Similarly, strong bases accept protons easily, while weak bases accept protons less easily.


A titration is a laboratory technique used to determine the concentration of an unknown solution by reacting it with a solution of known concentration. In an acid-base titration, the unknown solution is the acid or base being tested, and the known solution is the titrant. The titrant is added to the unknown solution until the reaction is complete, which is indicated by a change in color of an indicator. The volume of titrant used is then used to calculate the concentration of the unknown solution.
